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Data accord­ing to § 5 TMG

Indus­tri­elle Bio­tech­no­lo­gie Bay­ern Net­zwerk GmbH

Für­sten­rieder Strasse 279a
81377 München
Phone: +49 89 74 120 – 370
Fax: +49 89 74 120 – 378

Author­ized Man­aging Director

Prof. Dr. Har­alabos Zorbas

Com­mer­cial Register

Com­mer­cial Register
Register Num­ber: HRB 174482
Register Court: Amts­gericht München

VAT Iden­ti­fic­a­tion Num­ber Accord­ing to § 27 a UStG:

DE 260523575

Edit­or­i­al Respons­ib­il­ity accord­ing to § 55 II RStV:

Prof. Dr. Har­alabos Zorbas

Concept and Design

Anja Schmid Medi­engestal­tung Digit­al + Print
Euro­par­ing 4
94315 Straub­ing
Tel.: +49 151 21744120


In der Alten Strick­war­en­fab­rik
Ber­liner Straße 65
04129 Leipzig
Tel.: 034139373500
Fax.: 034139373801

Liab­il­ity, Copy­right & Photo Credits

Liab­il­ity for Content

The con­tent of our web­site has been cre­ated with utmost care. How­ever, we do not assume liab­il­ity for the up-to-date­ness, cor­rect­ness, com­plete­ness or accur­acy of the inform­a­tion provided. We are respons­ible for our own con­tent accord­ing to § 7 sect. 1 TMG. Accord­ing to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we are not obliged to mon­it­or trans­mit­ted or saved third-party inform­a­tion or to invest­ig­ate illeg­al or offens­ive con­tents on linked pages of third-party pro­viders. Our oblig­a­tions to remove or block the use of inform­a­tion remain unaf­fected accord­ing to stat­utory pro­vi­sions. The respons­ib­il­ity for third-party con­tents” which is provided, requires, among oth­er things, pos­it­ive aware­ness of the illeg­al or pun­ish­able con­tent. Once we are aware of respect­ive infringe­ments, we will imme­di­ately remove such content.

Liab­il­ity for Links

We have no influ­ence on third-party con­tents which is linked on our web­site. There­fore, we can­not assume any liab­il­ity for third-party con­tent and the respect­ive pro­viders of linked pages are respons­ible for their con­tent. Linked pages have been checked on pos­sible infringe­ments at the time of link­ing and we have no pos­it­ive aware­ness of illeg­al or offens­ive con­tents on the linked pages of third-party pro­viders. A per­man­ent con­trol of the pages’ con­tents is unreas­on­able without giv­en points of ref­er­ence con­cern­ing an infringe­ment. Once we are aware of respect­ive infringe­ments, we will imme­di­ately remove such content.


Con­tents and con­tri­bu­tions on our web­site provided by the website’s oper­at­or are sub­ject to Ger­man copy­right law. Cop­ing, edit­ing, dis­sem­in­at­ing or any kind of use out­side the lim­its of copy­right law require the writ­ten approv­al of the respect­ive authors. Down­loads and cop­ies are only approved for private use, not com­mer­cial use. If the page’s con­tent was cre­ated by oth­er pro­viders than the oper­at­or, copy­rights of third parties apply. Third-party con­tents are iden­ti­fied appro­pri­ately. Should you recog­nize copy­right infringe­ments, we kindly ask you to noti­fy us. Once we are aware of respect­ive infringe­ments, we will imme­di­ately remove such content.

Photo Cred­its


  • Erfol­greiche Pro­jekte & Net­zwerke:
    © Adobe/​oatawa — stock​.adobe​.com

Fields of Activity:

  • Digit­al­is­ier­ung der Bio­tech­no­lo­gie:
    © Adobe/​Sergey Nivens- stock​.adobe​.com
  • Pro­teine für die Indus­trie:
    © Adobe/​ustas — stock​.adobe​.com
  • Ver­wer­tung von Rest­stof­fen und CO2:
    © blende12 — pixabay​.com
  • Nach­haltige Biopolymere:
    © Adobe/​Олег Кононов — stock​.adobe​.com
  • Forts­ch­rit­t­liche Kraft­stoffe:
    © Adobe/ — stock​.adobe​.com
  • Polit­ischer Dia­log:
    © kdg2020 — pixabay​.com


  • 2021: © Sangeeth_​n — pixabay​.com
  • 2020: © Adobe/​ipopba — stock​.adobe​.com
  • 2019: © Adobe/​SmirkDingo — stock​.adobe​.com
  • 2018: © Adobe/​Igor — stock​.adobe​.com
  • 2017: © Adobe/​wichientep — stock​.adobe​.com
  • 2016: © Adobe/​Kanusommer — stock​.adobe​.com
  • 2015: © pexels​.com
  • 2014: © Adobe/​RomixImage — stock​.adobe​.com
  • 2013: © Adobe/chokniti- stock​.adobe​.com
  • 2008 – 2012: © blende12 — pixabay​.com