Aus PHAt wird PHAtiCuS — Forschung und Entwicklung umweltverträglicher Schmierstoffe geht in die nächste Phase
27.09.2021NewsNach dreieinhalb Jahren endete kürzlich das vom BMBF geförderte Projekt „PHAt – Polyhydroxyalkanoate als Verdickungs- und Bindemittel in technischen Schmierstoffen“. Im Folgeprojekt „PHAtiCuS“ geht…
Things To Know about PHAt
PHAt — project
PHAt — partner
PHAt — raw materials
PHAt — applications
PHAt — Best of
Environmentally friendly lubricant additives from renewable raw materials
19th February 2020 — In the “PHAt” project, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been funding a consortium of four partners with around 1.25 million euros since October 2017. The experts from industry and science are developing sustainable thickeners and binders for the lubricant industry using bio-based raw materials from microorganisms. Arriving in the final year of the project, several application tests already reveal considerable results.
To the press release